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Choosing a Web Host

It used to be that you’d buy a domain one place, then have to decide on a Web host. Not anymore.

Since almost all companies offer both services, it makes sense to buy a domain name at the same company you want to use as your Web host. Consult this page for reputable hosts, especially if you are thinking about using WordPress (or another CMS) for a blog-style site. Other popular companies to consider are Network SolutionsGoDaddy and 1and1.

A hosting company provides three critical services (in addition to registering your domain name):

  1. Storage space on its servers for your site’s pages, images and other files. The more pages, images, video files or documents your site contains, the more storage space you’ll need.
  2. An Internet connection, also known as bandwidth, for sending your files out over the Internet. The more visitors your site gets, the more bandwidth you’ll need.
  3. E-mail accounts, so that you can create custom e-mail addresses using your domain name. There are many free email services some popular ones are Yahoo Mail run by the search engine Yahoo!, GMail run by Google, and are just a few of many.

These are just the basics. Many hosting companies offer additional features such as streaming audio and video servers, pre-installed blogging and content management software and subdomains. Some of these options will be discussed later in this chapter.

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