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Tracking Your Users

Why Traffic Matters

From the moment you launch your site, you can expect people to ask: What's your website traffic? It's critical that you start tracking your visitors at launch so that you can gauge your site's growth. And it's important that your tracking tools give...

Understanding Traffic

The most widely used metrics for measuring traffic to your site involve counting page views, visits and unique visitors. They all measure different things and all have shortcomings that affect their reliability. In addition, time spent on site, bounce...

Traffic Software

What are robots and spiders? These small programs are sent out by search engines like Yahoo and Google to track and catalog the growth of the Web. They look for new pages, or new information on existing pages, and send back reports to their respective...


From the moment you launch your site, you should create ways to listen to the responses of people who visit it. Sometimes your readers will initiate responses through comment forms. At other times you'll want to solicit feedback, perhaps through an online...

Tracking Services

Web-based tracking services are the most common practice for measuring your traffic. You simply copy and paste a small piece of JavaScript code provided by the service into the HTML of every page on your site. The code keeps track of everyone who visits...

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